FPT shop phone

Thông tin nhanh

Average price:
Phone: 1800 6601
Time to visit a place: 30 minutes
Open Time: 07:00
Close Time: 22:00
Address: 83, An Phu Ward, Ninh Kieu County, Can Tho City


FPT shop  FPT Shop provides top sales and service services: Convenient parking place with enthusiastic, thoughtful security guards, you can completely trust the security and shopping at FPT Shop FPT Shop employees are always proactive - Laughing - Saluting - Taking care - Thanking customers Diverse products for all customers who have a need for prices, manufacturers .. with many promotional incentives for products FPT Shop is a distributor of genuine Apple products Customers are free to experience the hottest and favorite products on the market Enthusiastic counselors help customers choose the most suitable and suitable product FPT Shop sells installments with prestigious financial units: ACS, FE Credit, Home Credit Delivery, free within 20 Km Payment via card: Domestic ATM, Visa, Master Check product information quickly at more than 200 shops nationwide Genuine warranty for products purchased at FPT Shop ( Warranty Policy Details ) Return and exchange policy for customers ( Details of return and exchange policy )  FPT Shop always wants to bring you the best satisfaction and the best products according to your needs, along with the highest prestige and reliability! source : https://fptshop.com.vn/cua-hang/thong-tin-cua-hang-fpt-shop-83-tran-hung-dao

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